The Sustainable Seafood Coalition is a UK organization established to promote sustainable fishing practices. We look at its key objectives.
5 Facts You Need to Know about Seafood through the Ages
Anthropologists trace human consumption of seafood back at least 40,000 years. Isotopic analysis of the remains of a Tianyuan man from the Upper Paleolithic Period […]
How Aquaculture Benefits the Seafood Industry
Farm-raised fish account for about half the seafood eaten in the US and around the globe. We take a closer look at aquaculture, its benefits, […]
Everything You Need to Know about the Fishing & Living Initiative
The Fishing & Living initiative seeks to help fishermen in Southeast Asia to implement sustainable fishing practices, as well as to protect their livelihood and […]
Everything You Need to Know about Traceability in the Fishing Industry
How does blockchain improve traceability in the fishing industry, protecting consumers and sustainability? We look at the example of Bumble Bee tuna.
Why Is Bycatch Such a Big Problem, and What Can We Do About It?
What is bycatch? How can gillnets and certain fishing practices threatening sea turtles, sharks, dolphins, and other marine life? We look at the facts.